Parade of the Grotesque – Conjure


Captured moonlight illuminated the symbols etched into the walls of the damp cavern. Selene laid haphazardly on her throne stroking her cat, U’liya. The shimmering white feline had just led tonight’s clients and guests into the cave, they scattered about studying the relics Selene kept in her home while the three clients lined up to speak with her.

“And what have you come for today, my child?” She addressed the first woman in line.

“I-I want you to do a spell for me. I want to get rid of my abusive husband.” The woman had bruises running up and down her arms and around her neck.

“And by get rid of’, what do you mean? I can do many things. I can send him away. I can make him disappear…or I can kill him. Which would you prefer, Angeline?” Selene asked, her low voice sultry and sweet all at once.

“H-how did you know my name?” Angeline asked.

“Does it really matter, child? Tell me what you want. Be quick about it, chére, I have other customers waiting.” Selene answered.

“Right. Well, I don’t want him dead, that would haunt me forever. I think I want him to just stay away from me for good. I want him to not be able to get within a mile of me. Yes, that’s what I want.” She said, mostly to herself.

“Alright, chére. Stick around for the big show; I’ll need you.” Selene said. “Next customer.”

“Hi. My name is-”

“Omar. I know. What would you like for me to do for you tonight, Omar?” Selene interrupted.

“I want to attract a woman.” Omar rolled the brim of the hat he held between his fingers.

“A particular woman or just any woman?”

“No woman in particular, no, but a woman that’s going to love me for me. I want her to worship me as I worship her. I want it to last forever.” Omar said looking down at his feet.

“I can do this, but you need more than that. You need confidence, gamin.” Selene lifted his head up gently and looked into his eyes like she was examining his soul.

“You-you can do that?” His eyes spoke volumes.

“Of course, gamin, but it will cost you a bit extra. Have a look around and wait for the ceremony to start. I’ll be with you in a moment.” Selene rubbed his cheek before letting go of his face.

Last in line was an older woman; gray hair adorned her temples calling attention to the lines in her weary face.

“And you? What would you like, madame Estelle?”

“I want my son back.” Estelle whispered.

“I need you to speak a little louder. Come closer. No need to be afraid.” Selene becond the woman closer.

“I want you to bring my son back. Please.” She spoke a little louder this time.

“This I will not do. No.” Selene said bluntly.

“B-but I thought you could do anything. I was told you could bring him back. They told me!” Bordering on hysterical, tears welled up in Estelle’s eyes.

“I didn’t say I could not do it. I said I will not. I don’t know who told you that I would, but they were sorely mistaken. The dead should not be tampered with. They should not be stolen from their graves. I will not do it.” Selene explained.

“But I need him. I have no one else. Please.” Estelle broke fell to her knees before Selene, tears streaming down her face, she pleaded.

Selene looked at her for a moment before sighing and cursing beneath her breath. She stood and took the woman by her arm lifting her up off the ground.

“Stop that. I will not bring him back, but I will let you speak with him. But only for a moment. A spirit held to long tends to disintegrate. Is that enough?” Selene asked as she wiped the dust off of her dress.

“Y-yes. Thank you. Thank you so much.” Estelle wrapped her arms around Selene spilling tears onto the dark velvet jacket.

Selene held the woman until she her tears ceased. When she was done, Selene hugged her one more time before letting her go.

“Alright. You’re alright. Calm down.”

Estelle moved away from Selene’s throne still thanking her silently as fresh tears of gratitude painted her cheeks.

Selene stepped down off of the platform her throne sat on and moved towards the middle of the huge cavern. A fire pit was situated in the exact middle of the cave; white painted symbols were drawn on the ground around it and bowls of offerings sat on specific points of the enchanted symbols. As Selene moved, so did the arc of moonlight; it followed her almost as closely as U’liya who slinked about between her legs and around her feet.

“Everyone! It is time. Join me. Stand in a circle around the altar and wait for my command.” Selene called her everyone toward her.

Everyone in attendance wore white and red and adorned themselves with glimmering golden jewelry. Once they settled in a circle, Selene began chanting.

“Repeat after me. Spirits of my ancestors I welcome you to this circle.” She started.

“Spirits of my ancestors, I welcome you to this circle.” They repeated.

“Let your souls join my soul. Let your life run through me. I bind you to this circle. I bind you to me!” Selene spoke these words and her guests followed.

A wind picked up blowing from all corners of the cave. The arc of light brightened as wisps of white flew down from the ceiling and swirled around those around the circle. In a single instant, the wisps flew into the bodies of all the guests except for Angeline, Omar, and Estelle. They paused, frozen like statues as the spirits settled within them. After a few seconds they began writhing to the sound of phantom drums.

“The three of you. Come to the center of the circle. Stand there.” Selene pointed to three encircled symbols lined up side by side.

“Do not move from there unless I tell you to. Ancestors, hear my pleas. I call to you on behalf of these weary souls who seek peace of mind and heart. Fill me with your power so that I may fulfill their desires.” Selene called to the spirits.

The light hovering above her head intensified and extended downwards so that it passed right through her body. Selene threw her head back and let the light fill her. When she tilted her head forward again her eyes glowed with the brilliance of the moon.

“You.” Her voice deepened as she pointed at Omar; white light spilled from her lips. “What you seek is a mate, in life and eternally, yes?” Selene walked over to him like a cat on the prowl.

“Y-yes.” He whispered.

“Louder! Is this what you seek?” She yelled.

“Yes! I seek a mate.” Omar spoke again, this time with some bass in his shaky voice.

“Yes, and you shall have her.” Selene placed her hand on his head and mumbled a foreign spell underneath her breath.

Suddenly Omar’s eyes widened as he saw a vision of the woman he was to have as his mate. His meeting with her flashed before his eyes. Visions of the streets in the middle of the city and a woman on a bike filled his head as light coursed through his body. When Selene removed her hand, Omar fell to the ground gasping for breath.

“Do not move. We are not done.” She said as she moved on to Angeline.

“And you. You wish to be rid of your husband. You wish to be freed from your bondage to him, yes?” Selene continued as the spirits spoke through her.

“Yes. Yes, I do.” Angeline said over the wind which grew stronger as the ceremony went along.

“It will be done!” Selene placed her hand on Angeline’s chest, right above her heart, and pushed light into her. As the light filled her, Angeline could feel a release of pressure like she was being untied from the inside. She could feel a weight lift from her heart. Breathing a sigh of relief, Angeline sank to the ground.

“Estelle. What you want is dangerous. Are you sure you will not reconsider?” Selene asked as she moved closer to the older woman.

“I know what I want. I want to speak to my son just one last time.” Estelle said holding her head high.

“As you wish.” Selene put her hand over Estelle’s lips and poured light into her mouth.

As she did this she began shaking. Her eyes turned dark like a storm over the ocean; gray clouds filled her vision. Suddenly a voice familiar to Estelle poured from Selene’s lips.

“Mama? Mama, is that you?” Estelle’s son, Marcel, spoke through Selene.

“Marcel? Yes, it’s me! It’s your mother. Oh, how I miss you. I miss you so much.” Estelle said through tears.

“Where am I mama? I haven’t seen you in a long time. I can’t see you. I want to see you.”

“My boy!” Estelle attempted to step outside the circle she was standing in, but Selene’s voice broke through Marcel’s.

“Don’t! Do not leave that circle. Do not-”

“Come to me, mama. Please! I need you.” Marcel’s voice shook as he tried to overpower Selene for control of her body.

Selene fought back and tried to release him from herself.

“It’s time for you to go now, Marcel.”

“No! I will not!” Marcel’s spirit broke free of Selene sending her flying backwards.

The man stood there shifting between barely visible and full corporeal.

“Come here, mama.” He held out his arms and Estelle ran towards him breaking through the circle.

“No!” Selene cried out as Marcel gathered Estelle into his arms.

“I missed you so much!” Estelle said as she held onto her son.

“I missed you too, mama. I won’t leave you again. I won’t!” Marcel said before he disappeared into Estelle.

Estelle stood there for a moment shivering as Marcel took hold of her body. Selene stood up and tried to command him to leave.

“Leave her, Marcel! Leave her now!” Selene said.

“She’s mine. Her body is mine!” Marcel screamed. “I will never leave her.” Marcel, in Estelle’s body, stalked over to Selene and grabbed her by the throat.

“You can’t make me leave. I won’t let you.” He said as he squeezed her neck almost crushing her windpipe.

Selene struggled against Estelle’s supernaturally strong grip. She was running out of air and tears streamed down her face. In her mind she spoke aloud reciting a spell only Marcel could here. The words hurt him and he let go of Selene as he held his own throat. Gasping for breath he fell to his knees and choked before passing out.

“I bind you, Marcel, to the grave you occupy in the afterlife in which you live. I bind you to the spirit world never to cross the boundary again!” Selene chanted as she stood over Estelle’s body. Estelle writhed in agony as Marcel’s spirit passed through her and drifted through the ceiling of the cave and into the sky.

“I release the spirits I have called to this circle. I release you into rest and peace. Leave us now and return to your world!” Selene unbound the circle and the guests all fell to their knees breathing heavily.

Selene knelt down beside Estelle and checked for a pulse. There was none. Suddenly, heavy footsteps pounded down the tunnel that led to the cavern. In an instant the group was surrounded.

“Otherling Special Taskforce! Nobody move!” An officer in tactical gear yelled as he closed in on Selene.

“Get up!” He yelled as he lifted her up by her collar and turned her around.

“This will be your last gathering for a long time Selene. A long time.” The officer snapped plastic cuffs around her wrists and pushed her toward the exit as other officers rounded up her guests.

“You won’t have me tonight, Duke.” Selene slipped out of his grasp like a snake and ran out of the cavern.

“Follower her!” Duke yelled to two of his men. He followed them out with his gun raised.

Outside Selene was surrounded once again.

“There’s nowhere for you to go, Selene. Surrender or I will shoot you. Make this easier for us both.” Duke said pointing his gun at her.

“I would never make anything easy for you, hound!” Selene spat as she slipped her cuffs.

“You leave me no choice then. Open fire!” Duke yelled.

Six men unloaded their clips in Selene’s direction, but before the bullets could hit her, Selene evaporated into a swarm of black butterflies. Flying into the night sky, Selene disappeared into the air.

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